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An EXAMPLE only for your MBA Program
The successful business person in today's ever-changing global business environment must possess certain skills: a solid foundation in traditional business subjects, practical leadership and team building experience, a clear understanding of social and ethical issues, and a mastery of new technologies and their impact on the business environment. If your career would benefit from these skills, an --{ your company name }-- MBA should be in your future.
Every year, approximately 300 of your peers are working toward getting the competitive advantage of an --{ your company name }-- MBA. Highly trained, motivated and educated, they compete against you in both the labor and product markets. They graduate equipped with a formidable base of theoretical and practical knowledge directly relevant to the business world. If you would like this competitive advantage, you may be able to join us in the MBA program at --{ your company name }--.
At --{ your company name }--, our focus is on the core analytical and communication skills that best prepares our students for the uncertain future. We incorporate a mix of theory with practical applications, and supplement traditional lecture with case analyses. While we keep abreast of the latest trends, we are not trendy. We believe our curriculum has staying power; it reflects the broad, fundamental knowledge upon which our students build a successful career, while allowing students to specialize and develop further expertise in a particular area of concentration.
The program is flexible enough to accommodate students from any undergraduate major. MBA students take courses in all functional areas of business, and round out their program with several electives. Professional development courses help students with teamwork, leadership and communication skills.
Students choose their electives to earn a concentration in a variety of functional areas, which can include finance, human resource management, marketing, operations management, management information systems, economics, management of technology, agribusiness, and natural resources management. A team case analysis is the capstone requirement for the degree.
--{ your company name }--'s Master of Business Administration program is fully accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. Our classes are small, and typically have from 10-40 students in them. Students are required to have had undergraduate courses in calculus, statistics and the fundamentals of business education (see How to Apply page), prior to entering the program.
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