Afghanistan, Islamic State of
Wazir Akbar Khan Mena
(Behind Ministry of Interior)
Tel: 25260, 25757
Fax: 930/59
Algeria, Democratic and Popular Republic of
1. Dodo Mukhtur St., Algeria
Tel: 796789;796771
Argentina, (Argentina Republic)
Alejandro M. de Augado 2881
1425 Buenos Aires
Tel: 802-4303-/3375/0760
Tlx: 18933 NJDIA AR
Australia , Commonwealth of
12 Culgoa Circuit
OMalley, Canebrra 2606
Tel: 286-2099/286-2755
Fax: 286-2155
Austria, Republic of
Formanekgass 3A-1190, Vienna
Tel: 362342/362321/362317
Fax: 362560
Bahrain, State of
Building No. 668
Route 4015, N. Jafeer
P.O.Box 1085, Manama
Tel: 727223
Fax: 729052
Bangladesh, Peoples Republic of
House No. 12
NE (N), Road No. 92, Dhaka
Tel: 600221/600222/600144
Fax: 883006
Belgium, Kingdom of
45 Ave. Franklin Roosevelt
1050 Bruselles
Tel: 6492044/6495725
Fax: 6472492
Brazil, Republic of
Shis Ql 10
Conjunto 9 Casa 29 70471-900, Brazilia
Tel: 348-3525/3523/2201
Tlx: (61) 1656 EMAS BR
Batos Yaounde
P.O.Box 1602
Tel: 212675/213261
99 Bank St., Ste. 901
Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6B9
Tel: (613)237-4100/4101/4102/4103
Fax: (613)237-0567
Teleksj St. A. Paul Anjamina
P.O.Box 1092
China, Peoples Republic of
No. 1, Sanlitan Bet. Xiao Jie
Beijing 100600
Tel: 532-5325/4825/4834
Fax: 532-5324
Saudi Arabian Commercial Office, Taipei
3F. 726 Chung Shan N. Road, Sec. 6 Taipei
Tel: 872-2060/1/2
Fax: 872-1976
Denmark, Kingdom of
Lille Strandvej 278
2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen
Tel: (31)621200/621370
Fax: (31)626009
Djibouti, Republic of
Erzon St.
P.O. Box 1921, Djibouti
Tel: 351645, 350790
Fax: 352284
Egypt, Arab Republic of
2 Ahmed Naseem St., Giza, Cairo
Tel: 349-0757/0797
Fax: 349-4590
Commercial Office: Tel:574-5953
Eritrea, State of
Workers Street 20/22/24
P.O.Box 5599
Tel: 121071/120851/120934
Fax: 121027
Jimma Rd.
Old Airport Zone
P.O.Box 1104
Addis Ababa
Tel: 710132/227/303
Fax: 711799
5 Avenue Hoche 75008
Tel: 4766-0206
Fax: 444-2576
Germany, Federal Republic of
Godesberger Allee 40-42, 5300 Bonn 2
Tel: 810900
Fax: 372068
Ghana, Republic of
No. 13 No. 1 Fetreke St.
Airport-Quarter, Accra
Tel: 774311/774829
Fax: 773-424
Greece (Hellenic Republic)
71, Maratonodromou St.
P/ Psychico, Athens
Tel: 6718250;6911/6912/6913
Fax: 495-7968
Camayenne Quarter, Conakry
Tel: 442486
Tlx: 22446
Holland, Kingdom of the Netherlands
Alexander St 99 19
The Hague 5214 JM, The Hague
Tel: (070)361-4391
Fax: (070)363-0348
India, Republic of
12, N.D.S.E. Part II
New Delhi 110049
Tel: 644-5054/5419
Fax: 644-7082
Indonesia, Republic of
Imam Bonjol St Np. 3, Menteng Jakarta
Tel: 310-7883/5560
Fax: 390-4046
Iran, Islamic Republic of
Saba St., No. 10
P.O.Box 3438, Tehran
Tel: 222-0081/2
Fax: 222-0083
Italy, Republic of
9 Via G B. Pergolesi
Tel: 440-9680/855-8161/8162
Fax: 855-8658
1-53 Azabu Nagasaka-cho
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106
Tel: (03)589-5241/2/3/4
Fax: 589-5200
Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of
Jabal Amman 5th circle
P.O.Box 2133, Ammam
Tel: 814154/5141551/814156
Fax: 826154
Muthaiga Rd.
P.O.Box 58297 Nairobi
Tel: 762781/2/3/4
Tlx: 22990 Saudia
Korea, Republic of
1-112, Shinmoonro 2-ka
Chongro-ku, Seoul
P.O.Box 108
Tel: 739-0631/2/3/4/5
Fax: 732-3110
Kuwait, State of
Lot No. 1, Building 9
P.O.Box 20498, Safat 13065
Tel: 242-0255/242-0250
Fax: 242-0654
Commercial Office
P.O.Box 20602
Al-Safa KUWAIT 13067
Tel: 532-6000
Fax: 532-2053
Al-Manara Bliss St., Ras Beirut
Tel: 804272;804273; 804274
Tlx: 923/20830
Libya (Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab
Qourtobah St., Zahra, Tripoli
Tel: 30486, 30485
Fax: 47180
Jalan Pekeliline, Kuala Lumpur
Tel:457-9748; 9831
Fax: 4578751
Mali, Republic of Sogoninko (Route de Laeroport)
P.O.Box 81, Bamako
Tel: 222528/223910
Fax: 226471
Mauritania, Islamic Republic of
P.O.Box 498, Nouakejott
Tel: 52633/51669
Fax: 52928
Mexico, Republic of
Paseo de la Reforma No. 607
Lomas de Chapultepec, C.P.
Mexico, D.F. 11000
Tel: 5400240/3099/3179
Fax: (525)5400567
Morocco, Kingdom of
43 Place de Lunite africaine, Rabat
Tel: 730171/732794/734827
Fax: 768587
Niger, Republic of
Rude de Zermakoye Plateau
P.O.Box 339, Niamey
Tel: 723370, 723215
Fax: 723410
182 Awolowo Rd., Ikoyi
Tel: 2690306/0358
Fax: 2690101
Oman,Sultinate of
Sultan Qaboos St., Muscat
P.O.Box 4411, Ruwi 112
Tel: 601-744; 601-708
Fax: 603-540
Pakistan, Islamic Republic of
House no. 14, Hill Rd. F-6/3, Islamabad
Tel: 820150/6/7/8/9
Fax: 823580
Philippines, Republic of the
8th floor, Insular Life Bldg.
Ayala Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
Tel: 817-3371/3372/3373
Fax: 816-1477/810-4052
Qatar, State of
3rd Circle Rd.- South
Al- Mountazah Garden, Al-Doha
Tel: 427144/427145
Tlx:957/4483 NAJDIA DH
Republic of Russia
3rd Neopalimovsky Per 4
Tel: 245-3970/2310/3491
Fax: 246-9471
33, Rue Klener
B.P. 3109, Dakar
Tel: 237151/2/3
Fax: 239614
No. 10 Nassim Rd., Singapore 1025
Tel: 734-5870/5876/5879
Fax: 738-5291/0624
Commercial Office
Hex 17-03 Liat Towers
581 Orchard Rd.
Singaporte 0923, Singapore
Tel: 235-8455; 235-8459
Fax: 737-4657
Banader St.
P.O.Box 603, Mogadishu
Tel: 22625/22087
Tlx: 3618
Spain, Kingdom of
Pasco de la Habana, 163 Madrid - 28036
Tel: 345-1250/4/8/62
Fax: 350-1604/250-7876
Sudan, Republic of
6-10 New Extension St. 29
P.O.Box 852, Khartoum
Tel: 41938/45051
Tlx:970/24014 NAJDIAH SD
S-10041 Stockholm
Tlx: 723-8800
12 Kramburg Strasse
Berne 3006
Tel: 441555/441556
Fax: 430634
Commercial Office
139 Rue de Lausanne
1202 - Geneva
Fax: 731-7915
Syria (Syrian Arab Republic)
Al Jala St.
P.O.Box 3858
Abu Rummanah, Damascus
Tel: 334914/ 334915/718673
Tlx: 411906/411161
11th floor, No. 550
Chung Halao East Road, Section 4
Tel: 758-5850; 758-5715
Fax: 758-6004
Thailand, Kingdom of
10th Floor, Sathron Thany Building
90 N. Sathorn Rd.
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: 237-1938/39/40/41
Fax: 236-6441
Tunisia, Republic of
58 Boughaarta St.
P.O.Box 58, Tunisia
Tel: 781722/784075
Fax: 783903/783225
Turkey, Republic of
Turan Emeksiz Sak Nob
G.O. P. O. 6700
Tel: 468-5540/1-7
Fax: 427-4886/3688
Commercial Office
Tel: 1464652
7 Kololo Hill Dr.
P.O.Box 7274, Kampala
Tel: 41983/41984/42028
Tlx: 973/09SS
United Arab Emirates
Nasla Alabd St., Abu Dhabi
Tel: 465700
Fax: 461819
United Kingdom
30 Charles St., W.I.
Tel: 917-3000
Fax: 917-3330
Commercial Office
154 Brompton Rd.
London, SW 3
Tel: 589-7246
Fax: 589-7248
Consular Section:
32 Charles St., W1
Tel: 020 7917 3456Cultural Office:
29 Belgrave Square, SW1
Tel: 020 7245 9944Defense Office:
22 Holland Park, W11
Tel: 020 7221 7575Economic Section:
Liscartan House, 127 Sloane St., W1
Tel: 020 7730 8657Information Office:
Cavendish House, 18, Cavendish Square, W1
Tel: 020 7629 8803Medical Section:
119 Harley St., W1
Tel: 020 7935 9931National Guard Office:
18 Seymour St., W1
Tel: 020 7486 1224Embassy Press Office:
30 Charles St., W1
Tel: 020 7917 3089
Fax: 020 7917 3088Saudi Arabian Airlines:
171 Regent St., W1
Tel: 020 7995 7755
United State
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
601 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington DC 20037
Tel: (202) 342-3800
Commercial Office:
Tel: (202) 337-4088
Information Office:
Tel: (202) 337-4134
Medical Office:
Tel: (202) 342-7393
Visa Section:
Tel: (202) 342-3800
Venezuela, Republic of
Qta. Makkah, Calle Andres Pietri
Urb. Los Chorros Caracas 1071
Tel: 239-0290/6386/6013
Fax: 239-6494
Yemen, Republic of
Quds ST.
Intersection of Haddah Road. and S. 5th Circle Rd.
P.O.Box 1184, Sana
Tel: 240429/240243/240863
Fax: 240427
Zambia, Republic of
Plot 4796, Los Angeles Blvd., Lusaka
Tel: 227829/277830
Fax: 222334
Avenue des Batetela 1054
(Opposite Intercontinental), Kenshasa
Tel: 30782
Tlx: 21541
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