Crude Oil
The Saudi petroleum reserve is estimated at 315 billion barrels,
and the natural gas reserve is estimated at 253 trillion cubic meters.
for more information's Check
The Saudi Crude Oil
Trade & Information's Center
Gold and Silver
Promising sites of minerals have been discovered, and 540 licences to explore minerals as
well as fifteen concession licences for gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead and iron have
been granted. Other minerals explored in the Kingdom include radiant minerals, platinum,
tin, chrome, nickel, titanium, and precious stones. Gold and silver are found in varying
quantities in Dhalum, Umm Al-Qiryat, Mahd Addahab in the northwest and Assir in the south.
The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources has identified more than fifty-three
locations containing gold ore. The best of these deposits, were selected to provide
positive clues to future economic utilization. In 1993-94 (1413-1414 H.), the production
of gold amounted to 752 ounces from Mahd Addahab mines and Sukhairat. These petroleum and
mineral resources have added greatly to the value of the Saudi Riyal.
Silver is found in the northeast near Samra, Umm Al-Qusor, Abu Al-Sinon, Umm Al-Hadid and
in other locations in the company of gold, copper and zinc. The most important location is
in the region of Nugrah, 230 kilometers northeast of Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah. Reserves in
southern Nugrah are estimated to be approximately 466,300 tons, and there are about 400
thousand tons in northern Nugrah.
Copper is found in association with zinc along the western part of the Central region.
It is also found in the region of Umm Syide northeast of Jeddah, with reserves estimated
at 29 million tons from these deposits. It has been proved that it is technically feasible
to produce concentrations of 29 percent copper with an annual production of about 120,000
tons. Copper ore is also found in the Al-Masanae region near Riyadh in reserves estimated
at 7 million tons. Reserves of about 4 million tons were also located west of Riyadh.
This metal is found in the Swawin region to the west of Tabuk town in northwest Saudi
Arabia in reserves estimated at 84 million tons and with a concentration rate of 42.5
percent. Vital iron deposits are also found in the region of the Adsas mountains southwest
of Riyadh in reserves estimated at 300 million tons concentrations of iron of between 18
to 20 percent. Reserves in Wadi Fatmah, to the east of Jeddah are estimated at 48.4
million tons with iron concentration of 46.2 percent.
Rare strategic minerals
Rare strategic minerals have been explored in plutonic granite in the region of
Qariyah, southwest of Tabuk town, and in the Atawlah mountain region west of Tabuk in the
northwest, where possible reserves are expected to exceed 6 million tons. In the Mount
Syide region, possible reserves are estimated at 23 million tons.
Radiant minerals
Radiant minerals like uranium and thorium have been discovered in small quantities in the
central and northwestern parts of the Kingdom (the Tabuk basin).
Platinum minerals, which include platonium and paladonium are found in sub-base rocks
in the region of Wadi Kamal in north west along the Red Sea. Other minerals such as
chrome, tin and nickel are found in uneconomic quantities in a number of regions in the
Non-metallic minerals
These include industrial minerals, adornment stones and precstones. The industrial
minerals are phosphate, bauxite, potash, limestone, glass sand, perlite, gypsum and
others. Phosphate is found in the Glameed region to the east of Traif Town, in reserves
estimated at 213 million tons and a concentration of 21 percent of phosphorous oxide. It
is expected that production of concentrated phosphate will reach 4.5 million tons
annually. Bauxite ore is found in the Zubairah region to the East of Hail, in reserves
estimated at about 173 million tons. Manganese ore is found to the west of Hail in
possible reserves that exceed 4 million tons. Silica sand is found in the Botain region,
east of Riyadh, along an area of 75 square kilometers, in reserves estimated at 10 million
tons, sufficient to supply the two glass factories under construction in the region. The
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources has identified more than 2000 sites that
contain raw material necessary for the following industries:
These raw materials have assisted greatly in the establishment of factories, quarries and laboratories which have boosted the national economy. With regard to adornment and precious stones, the Ministry has developed many sites and handed them over to the private sector for investment. Of these stones is the granite rock in Gassim, which was used in the project of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for the expansion of the two holy mosques in Makkah and Al-Madinah. Other precious stones found in the Kingdom include cornelian, berit and moonstone.
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